Begin to meditate—or renew your practice—with this straightforward guide that is free from pretension and complication.
Clark Strand
5½ x 8½, 160 pp | 978-1-893361-93-5
Begin to meditate—or renew your practice—with this straightforward guide that is free from pretension and complication.
Is there a way you can learn to slow down and experience yourself more fully, your life more deeply, and other people in the present moment without adopting a new religious or philosophical ideology? Clark Strand answers with a clear and simple “yes!” Short, compelling reflections show you how to make meditation a part of your daily life, without the complication of gurus, mantras, retreats, or treks to distant monasteries.
What is the proper way to breathe? Where should I meditate? What should I sit on? How often should I practice? You’ll find the answers surprising as Strand breaks down modern-day stereotypes about meditation and leaves the one thing a successful meditation practice truly needs: you.
“In poetic simplicity, Clark Strand makes meditation as effortless as breathing, as intimate as heartbeat, as joyous as a child.”
—Hugh Prather, author of Spiritual Notes to Myself
“A terrific book. I love the way Strand writes.”
—Natalie Goldberg, author of Writing Down the Bones
“Meditation books are frequently written by good teachers but less often written by good writers. Clark Strand uses beautiful, surprising, plain and exact words to convey the ‘just-this’ experience found through meditation.”
—Marcia Z. Nelson, author of Come and Sit: A Week Inside a Meditation Centers