Internationally respected spiritual leader and author John Philip Newell challenges us to explore the major features of a new beginning for Christianity. Speaking directly to the heart of all Christians—as well as to the faithful and seekers of other traditions—he invites us to be part of a new holy birth of sacred living.
John Philip Newell
6 x 9, 160 pp | 978-1-59473-542-4
Dare to imagine a new birth from deep within Christianity, a fresh stirring of the Spirit.
“The walls of Western Christianity are collapsing. In many parts of the West that collapse can only be described as seismic.... There are three main responses or reactions to this collapse. The first is to deny that it is happening. The second is to frantically try to shore up the foundations of the old thing. The third, which I invite us into, is to ask what is trying to be born that requires a radical reorientation of our vision. What is the new thing that is trying to emerge from deep within us and from deep within the collective soul of Christianity?”
—from the Introduction
In the midst of dramatic changes in Western Christianity, internationally respected spiritual leader, peacemaker and scholar John Philip Newell offers the hope of a fresh stirring of the Spirit among us. He invites us to be part of a new holy birth of sacred living. Speaking directly to the heart of Christians—those within the well-defined bounds of Christian practice and those on the disenchanted edges—as well as to the faithful and seekers of other traditions, he explores eight major features of a new birthing of Christianity:
- Coming back into relationship with the Earth as sacred
- Reconnecting with compassion as the ground of true relationship
- Celebrating the Light that is at the heart of all life
- Reverencing the wisdom of other religious traditions
- Rediscovering spiritual practice as the basis for transformation
- Living the way of nonviolence among nations
- Looking to the unconscious as the wellspring of new vision
- Following love as the seed-force of new birth in our lives and world
“Occasionally I read a book that leads me to think, ‘I wish I had written that.’ This is one of those books.”
—Marcus Borg, author, The Heart of Christianity and Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, among other books
“Draw[s] from fresh, deep springs of faith ... placing before us the challenge of our day: Will we allow God to be born anew in us, in the earth, in the cosmos? Will we embody the ever-new life of the Source from which we come?”
—Mary C. Earle, author, Celtic Christian Spirituality: Essential Writings—Annotated and Explained
“Wow.... This book will move you ... with fresh insight into the rebirth of everything. What a writer, what a book!”
—Rob Bell, author, Love Wins and What We Talk about When We Talk about God
“Insightful and illuminating.... This accessible and thought-provoking book has much to offer pilgrims on all stages of the spiritual journey.”
—Publishers Weekly
“From page one to the conclusion, John Philip Newell engages our imagination and as we read we are born anew. His writing is a blessing!”
—Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, former executive director, U.S. World Council of Churches; author, Living into Hope: A Call to Spiritual Action for Such a Time as This
“Reconnecting is the word! The deep connection is already there and given, but this little book of wisdom will help you to find the essential message again—and in fresh, intelligent ways.”
—Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico
“Courageous.... A refreshing cup of cool, clear water for our spirits that enlivens us for the journey beyond the stumbling blocks of unquestioned doctrine toward a reconnection with the earth and the human capacity for awareness, compassion and spiritual practices that restore awe and hope for our enacted faith.”
—Thomas V. Wolfe, president, Iliff School of Theology
“In this insightful and illuminating work, Newell (Listening for the Heartbeat of God) explores chapter by chapter themes of connecting (with the earth, compassion, light, journey, spiritual practice, nonviolence, unconscious, love) in order to reclaim Christianity’s understanding of being ‘born anew’ and of resurrection. Drawing from his experience with the Iona community in Scotland, as well as other spiritual sites, such as Taize in France, Newell offers illustrations from his ministry, family life, and dreams to ‘[allow] ourselves to dream the Christian story onward.’ He gleans wisdom from a diverse group of spiritual practitioners from Columba and Julian of Norwich to Thomas Berry and Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as from numerous faith traditions, contending that ‘bringing our heart into union with the heart of the other is the basis of true freedom.’ Asserting that ‘[c]ompassionate action is sustained by the courage to feel,’ Newell’s work carries practical implications, as he argues that clergy need as much training in spiritual practices such as contemplative prayer, as in beliefs. This accessible and thought-provoking book has much to offer pilgrims on all stages of the spiritual journey.”
—Publishers Weekly
Introduction ix
Chapter 1:
Reconnecting with the Earth 1
The Cathedral of Earth, Sea, and Sky
The Whole Universe Takes Part in the Dance
At the Heart of Matter Is the Heart of God
A Spirituality of Intimacy with the Natural World
Chapter 2:
Reconnecting with Compassion 15
A Revolution of the Spirit
The Courage to See
The Courage to Feel
The Courage to Act
Chapter 3:
Reconnecting with the Light 29
Turn But a Stone and an Angel Moves
The Light at the Center of Every Cell
Be Filled with Light and Shine
Letting Go to the Light
Chapter 4:
Reconnecting with the Journey 43
Journeying into Unknown Territory
Traveling as Pilgrims
Shedding Our Attachment to the Ego
Finding the Other Half of Our Soul
Chapter 5:
Reconnecting with Spiritual Practice 59
A Contemplative Orientation
Finding Our Diamond Essence
Plunging Deep into the Heart of the World
Nurturing the Seed-Force for Change
Chapter 6:
Reconnecting with Nonviolence 75
Love-Force Not Brute-Force
Love Is the Strongest Yet Humblest Force
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Chapter 7:
Reconnecting with the Unconscious 89
Opening to the Well of the Imagination
The Marriage of the Conscious and the Unconscious
The Promise of Union
Dreaming the Way Forward
Chapter 8:
Reconnecting with Love 105
God Is Love
Saying Yes to the Heart of the Other
Giving Up Our Imaginary Position as the Center
There Is No Distinction between Love and Justice
Epilogue 121
Notes 125
Suggestions for Further Reading 134
About the Author 135
US Tour
February 18 - February 21, 2016
Santa Sabina Center
San Rafael, California
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
May 6 - May 7, 2016
Iliff School of Theology
Denver, Colorado
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
May 13 – May 14, 2016
Iliff School of Theology
Denver, Colorado
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
May 17 - May 19, 2016
School of Celtic Consciousness
Estes Park, Colorado
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
May 20 - May 22, 2016
Wellshire Presbyterian Church
Denver, Colorado
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
July 4 - July 10, 2016
Ghost Ranch
Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
July 14 - July 17, 2016
Sophia Center
Oakland, California
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
July 18 - July 24, 2016
Ghost Ranch
Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
July 31 - August 5, 2016
Chautauqua Institution
Chautauqua, New York
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
October 29 – October 30, 2016
The Cathedral of St Philip
Atlanta, Georgia
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
November 3 - November 6, 2016
Medicine & Ministry
Hendersonville, North Carolina
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
November 7 – November 8, 2016
University of Mount Olive
Mount Olive, North Carolina
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
November 11 - November 12, 2016
Mountain Top Lectures
Dawsonville, Georgia
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
November 13 – November 14, 2016
St Stephen’s Episcopal
Richmond, Virginia
John Philip will read selections from his new book, The Rebirthing of God, respond to questions, and sign copies of the book, which will be for sale at the event.
Phone: (888) 310-7770
Email: info@heartbeatjourney.org
“In this insightful and illuminating work, Newell (Listening for the Heartbeat of God) explores chapter by chapter themes of connecting (with the earth, compassion, light, journey, spiritual practice, nonviolence, unconscious, love) in order to reclaim Christianity’s understanding of being ‘born anew’ and of resurrection. Drawing from his experience with the Iona community in Scotland, as well as other spiritual sites, such as Taize in France, Newell offers illustrations from his ministry, family life, and dreams to ‘[allow] ourselves to dream the Christian story onward.’ He gleans wisdom from a diverse group of spiritual practitioners from Columba and Julian of Norwich to Thomas Berry and Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as from numerous faith traditions, contending that ‘bringing our heart into union with the heart of the other is the basis of true freedom.’ Asserting that ‘[c]ompassionate action is sustained by the courage to feel,’ Newell’s work carries practical implications, as he argues that clergy need as much training in spiritual practices such as contemplative prayer, as in beliefs. This accessible and thought-provoking book has much to offer pilgrims on all stages of the spiritual journey.”
—Publishers Weekly