A book from Jewish Lights, SkyLight Paths’ sister imprint
In a world often hurt by violence, this retold biblical story gives children and adults a starting point for discussing anger, its effects on those around us and how to express our emotions in positive ways.
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Full-color illustrations by Joani Keller Rothenberg
only available as an eBook | 978-1-58023-123-7
Multicultural, Nondenominational, Nonsectarian
Endorsed by Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish Religious Leaders
A spiritual conversation-starter for adults and children to read together.
“A very long time ago, when the world was new...two children walked in God’s garden called Earth. One was named Cain, the other, Abel. They were the first children. The first brothers.”
We know the story well. But what can it mean for us—and for our children—today? Award-winning author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso recasts the biblical tale of Cain and Abel in a way that invites adults and kids to a conversation about anger and our power to deal with it in positive ways.
Cain and Abel were born into God’s garden called Earth, a world of bright days for working in their fields and peaceful nights to share the stories of their dreams. The first children, the first brothers, they were so much alike yet so different—Cain a shepherd, Abel a farmer.
They lived side by side, surrounded by trees where wonderful, exotic fruits of many kinds grew: everywhere orapples, rasdew, and banangerines ripened all on a single branch. The air was sweet with the smell of pinango, limeberry, and waterloupe.
But jealousy, anger, and fear took all this away. Cain and Abel’s happiness came to an end, and with it, the trees' ability to grow these special fruits.
In a world often hurt by violence, this retold biblical story gives children and adults a starting point for discussing anger and its effects on those around us. By harnessing the power we have to deal with our emotions in positive ways, we can once again cultivate the fruits of peace—and change the world for the better.
Praise for Sandy Eisenberg Sasso's Books
“Extraordinary.... In true Sasso fashion, we are given the beautiful imagery we need to envision a different ending to the continuing story of anger turned into violence.”
—Vivian Gussin Paley, author of The Kindess of Children
“In a world in which violence has all too often become a 'first resort,' Rabbi Sasso reminds us that we can return to a culture and a community of kindness.”
—Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul & Mary
“Vibrates and sparkles.... What a gift...to the spirituality of young minds and hearts.”
—Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman, Episcopal priest, pastoral counselor; author of Spiritual Lemons: Biblical Women, Irreverent Laughter and Righteous Rage
“Rich in meaning for children of all ages.... Has particular poignancy for various situations in the world today.”
—Fr. Joseph F. Girzone, author of the Joshua series
“An excellent way to honor the imaginative breadth and depth of the spiritual life of the young.”
—Dr. Robert Coles, Harvard University