Womens Interest

Women of Color Pray: Voices of Strength, Faith, Healing, Hope and Courage

Edited and with Introductions by Christal M. Jackson

Woman Spirit Awakening in Nature: Growing into the Fullness of Who You Are

Nancy Barrett Chickerneo, PhD
Foreword by Eileen Fisher

Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership: Where Grace Meets Power

Edited by Kathe Schaaf, Kay Lindahl, Kathleen S. Hurty, PhD, and Reverend Guo Cheen

There's a Woman in the Pulpit: Christian Clergywomen Share Their Hard Days, Holy Moments and the Healing Power of Humor

Edited by Rev. Martha Spong
Foreword by Rev. Carol Howard Merritt

White Fire: A Portrait of Women Spiritual Leaders in America

Malka Drucker
Photographs by Gay Block

Divining the Body: Reclaim the Holiness of Your Physical Self

Jan Phillips

Daughters of the Desert: Stories of Remarkable Women from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Traditions

Claire Rudolf Murphy, Meghan Nuttall Sayres, Mary Cronk Farrell, Sarah Conover, and Betsy Wharton

Birthing God: Women's Experiences of the Divine

Lana Dalberg
Foreword by Kathe Schaaf

Honoring Motherhood: Prayers, Ceremonies & Blessings

Edited and with Introductions by Lynn L. Caruso

Laugh Your Way to Grace: Reclaiming the Spiritual Power of Humor

Rev. Susan Sparks
America’s only female stand-up comedian with a pulpit

New Feminist Christianity: Many Voices, Many Views

Edited by Mary E. Hunt and Diann L. Neu

She Lives!: Sophia Wisdom Works in the World

Rev. Jann Aldredge-Clanton, PhD